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Tuscan Princes (X) Meredith, George (X) Law (X) Literature (X)

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By: George Meredith A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Vittoria by George Meredith is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portab... ...for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Vittoria by George Meredith, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Ji... ...ennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 George Meredith VITTORIA By George Meredith BOOK 1 CHAPTER I FROM MONTE MOTTERONE ... ... immediate restitution of the es- tates. He was ably seconded by the young princess of Schyll- Weilingen,—by marriage countess of Fohrendorf, duchess ... of Graatli, in central Germany, by which title she passed,— an Austrian princess; she who had loved Giacomo, and would have given all for him, and ... ...and Verona, Padua, Vicenza, Brescia, Venice, Florence, the whole Venetian, Tuscan, and Lombardic lands, down to far Sicily, and that Rome which always... ...quent perplexities; it was something he had never seen before. He had read Tuscan poetry to her in old Agostino’s rooms; he had spoken of se- cret pre... ...The T uscans and the Romans had good reason to complain on behalf of their princes, as had the V enetians and the Lombards for the cause of their Repu... ...d the V enetians and the Lombards for the cause of their Republic. Neither Tuscans, Romans, Venetians, nor Lombards were offering up their lives simpl...

Excerpt: Vittoria by George Meredith.

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Sandra Belloni Originally Emilia in England

By: George Meredith

...SANDRA BELLONI Originally Emilia in England By George Meredith A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Sandra... ...SANDRA BELLONI Originally Emilia in England By George Meredith A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Sandra Bellon... ...ith A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Sandra Belloni by George Meredith is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This... ...enn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Sandra Belloni by George Meredith is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portab... ...e file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Sandra Belloni by George Meredith, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Ji... ...knowing but that ideas of a connection with foreign Counts, Cardinals, and Princes passed hopefully through him. “Would you believe that he is really ... ...gentleman. He said I should make money, if he took me, and grow as rich as princesses. He brought a friend to hear me, another Jew gentleman; and he w... ...ree dusty windows on the second floor? That man there could buy up any ten princes in Europe —excepting one or two Austrians or Russians. He wears a c... ...w, the ground awaited them. Madame entertained her with talk of Italy, and Tuscan wine, and Lombard bread, and T urin chocolate. Marini never alluded ...

Excerpt: Sandra Belloni by George Meredith.

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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