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Report on Orphaned Works

By: Marybeth Peters

...ngton, DC 20559-6000 • (202) 707-8350 January 23, 2006 Dear Chairman Hatch and Senator Leahy: Thank you for your request of the Copyright Office to st... ...works. As you know, the roundtable discussions we held in Washington, D.C. and California were well-attended, and the participants engaged in thoughtf... ...would be happy to discuss the Report with you or your staff. Respectfully, Marybeth Peters Register of Copyrights Enclosure The Honorable Orrin G. Hat... ...nt of Marybeth Peters, Register of Copyrights); see also Letter from Larry Urbanski, Chairman, American Film Heritage Association, to Senator Strom T... ...nts. The Office received an overwhelming response (by comparison to past studies), receiving 721 initial comments, and 146 reply comments. 19 Vir... ...entify and locate a copyright owner in the course of publishing scholarly studies of art history and art education. 26 Additionally, the submissio... ...reduction of the minimum from $750 to zero can benefit the library in its planning, especially when multiple uses of multiple works come within this ... ...r. In considering the level of diligence required to find the owner when planning to use a work, the user should carefully consider the extent of th... ...76, 80 (1997). 2 H.R. Rep. No. 94–1476, at 134 (1976). 3 Letter from Larry Urbanski, Chairman, American Film Heritage Association, to Senator Strom ...

...This Report addresses the issue of “orphan works,” a term used to describe the situation where the owner of a copyrighted work cannot be identified and located by someone who wishes to make use of the work in a manner that requires permission of the copyright owner. Even where the user has made a reasonably diligent effort to find the owner, if the owner is not found, th...

...rcumstances. This approach was offered as having the advantage of flexibility to cover the wide variety of situations that depend on the type of work and type of use involved. Several others were in favor of a “formal” approach, whereby the copyright owner is required to maintain his contact information in a centralized location, and a user need only search those centraliz...

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