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Urban Studies and Planning (X) Steven David Justin Sills (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Authors Community (X) Literary fiction (X)

Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 
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Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...Corpus of a Siam Mosquito --Steven Sills "So he spoke, and the bright-e... ...Corpus of a Siam Mosquito --Steven Sills "So he spoke, and the bright-eyed god... ... --Steven Sills "So he spoke, and the bright-eyed goddess, Athene, was pleased that she was the god he pr... ...god he prayed to before all the others. She put strength in his shoulders and knees, and set in his heart the daring of a mosquito, which, though con... ... mentioned that hundreds of boys and girls were flying kites there. I was planning to buy a kite and fly mine with the hundreds that were soaring nex... ... how this was done? --It's rather mundane. I don't wish to really. --Human studies and our intellectual copulation require more information. One would... ...nique thoughts that erupted in them certainly didn't seem Thai. A typical urban Thai yearned to languish if not extinguish himself or herself in stro...

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The Unfettered Life of Kenyon of New Orleans

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...The Unfettered Life of Kenyon of New Orleans By Steven David Justin Sills "My work is not a piece of writing designed to me... ...The Unfettered Life of Kenyon of New Orleans By Steven David Justin Sills "My work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the ... ...f death; but though privileged enough to be impaired with such a substance and such a stance, Kenyon paid for this lengthy death afterwards with excr... ...or it made her reluctant to use the drug, or to use it sparsely at least; and sleep that was not assisted in such a way allowed her to grow new legs ... ... could be so easily contrived. For her, it was going to a cemetery of urban minorities and placing wild flowers on tombstones. Since becoming hom... ...lo been resurrected to see such a form he would have tossed the statue of David into the ocean and began sculpting Chuck [Listens to the dripping].... ...age license. Everything was planned meticulously, you know. At least the planning that was done on my side was done meticulously, but in my excitem... ...had a higher salary he wanted me to stop working just as I had to stop my studies. Sitting around, doing nothing the way he wanted it, the queen, t... ...tingly, into the whole fabric of society, into the crevices of all modern, urban pursuits to compensate for lack of the hunt, and give man something ...

...This experimental literary novel seeks to probe the mind of Kenyon, an isolated invalid in her home, as she goes through morphine induced sleep and lucid wakefulness, and in both seeking meaning for her life and to be reconciled to her estranged marriage...

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