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Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 7....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 3....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 6....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 5....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 4....
A short audiobook clarification of points enunciated in the original Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread.
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 1....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 2....
Первая книга Пятикнижия (Торы), Ветхаго Завета и всея Библии. Повествует о периоде от Сотворения мiра и человека до смерти Иосифа во Египте. Состоит из пятидесяти глав. (from Wikipedia)...
Eurpides' tragedy tells of Theseus' chaste son Hippolytus, who refuses to worship Aphrodite in favor of Artemis. Aphrodite gets revenge by causing Hippolytus' stepmother Phaedra to fall in love with him, unleashing a chain of tragic events. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)...
Ancient Texts, Play, Classics (antiquity), Tragedy
Житія и похвалы святыхъ подобятся свѣтлостію звѣздамъ: якоже бо звѣзды положеніемъ на небеси утвержденны суть, всю же поднебесную просвѣщаютъ, тыяжде и отъ Індіанъ зрятся, ни сокрываются отъ скѵѳовъ, землю озаряютъ, и морю свѣтятъ, и плавающихъ корабли управляютъ: ихже именъ аще и не вѣмы множества ради, обаче свѣтлѣй добротѣ ихъ чудимся. Сице и свѣтлость святыхъ, аще и затворены суть мощи ихъ во гробѣхъ, но силы ихъ въ поднебеснѣй земными предѣлы не суть опредѣленны: чудимся тѣхъ житію, и удивляемся славѣ, еюже Богъ угодившыя Ему прославляетъ. [St. Symeon Metaphrastes on the Lives of the Saints, 10th century A. D. This succinct description is found as introduction to each of the 12 volumes of the Church Slavonic Lives.]...
The Book of Revelation, also called Revelation to John or Apocalypse of John, (literally, apocalypse of John; Greek, Αποκαλυψις Ιωαννου, Apokalupsis Iōannou) (IPA: [əˈpɑkəlɪps]) is the last canonical book of the New Testament in the Bible. It is the only biblical book that is wholly composed of apocalyptic literature. The visions given in this book were future events for the understanding of the early church, primarily. (Summary from Wikipedia and Sam Stinson)...
Ecumenical creeds is an umbrella term used in the western church to refer to the Nicene Creed, the Apostles' Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. The ecumenical creeds are also known as the universal creeds. These creeds are accepted by almost all mainstream Christian denominations in the western church, including the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican churches and Lutheran churches. A creed by definition is a summary or statement of what one believes it originates from the Latin credo meaning I Believe....
The Gospel of John, (literally, According to John; Greek, Κατά Ιωαννην, Kata Iōannēn) is the fourth gospel in the canon of the New Testament, traditionally ascribed to John the Evangelist. Like the three synoptic gospels, it contains an account of some of the actions and sayings of Jesus, but differs from them in ethos and theological emphases. The purpose is expressed in the conclusion, 20:30-31: ...these [Miracles of Jesus] are written that you may (come to) believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name. The book hinges on the seven signs Jesus performed and ends with the Passion of the Lord. (Summary from Wikipedia adapted by Sam Stinson)....
The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (1537) (Latin, Tractatus de Potestate et Primatu Papae), The Tractate for short, is the seventh Lutheran credal document of the Book of Concord. Philip Melanchthon, its author, completed it on February 17, 1537 during the assembly of princes and theologians in Smalcald....
The Myths of the New World's full title describes it as.. a treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America, an attempt to analyse and correlate scientifically, the mythology of the American Indians. Note: Brinton advocated theories of scientific racism that were pervasive at that time. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia)...
Murray suggests that his devotional, The Lord's Table, is not meant to replace scripture, but rather to strengthen believers' appreciation of God's word. Murray's meditations provide a thoughtful guide for believers who desire to develop a deeper understanding of the Lord's Holy Supper. The devotional covers the week before, during, and after the Supper, and each entry is labeled with the day of the week so that readers can manage devotions with ease. Murray first explains how believers can prepare to receive God's blessing during the weeks before the Supper. Murray further encourages believers to be filled with God's love, repent of sinful deeds, and meditate on his grace. During the day of Holy Communion, we are called to pour out our hearts to Christ as he strengthens us through his body and blood, which quenches our thirst and feeds our souls. In the days after communion, Murray tenderly urges us to dwell on the redeeming power of sanctification. Murray's text is an excellent resource for those who desire to grow in their faith through Communion. (Summary by Emmalon Davis)...
Das Evangelium nach Matthäus ist das erste Buch des Neuen Testaments und eines der vier kanonischen Evangelien. Es enthält einen Bericht über das Leben und die Lehren Jesu von Nazareth. The Gospel of Matthew is the first book of the New Testament and one of the four canonical gospels. It narrates the life and the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. (Summary by Al-Kadi)...
The Imitation of Christ is widely considered one of the greatest manuals of devotion in Christianity. The life of Christ is presented as the highest study possible to a mortal, as Jesus’ teachings far excel all the teachings of the saints. The book gives counsel to read the scriptures, statements about the uses of adversity, advice for submission to authority, warnings against temptation and how to resist it, reflections about death and the judgment, meditations upon the oblation of Christ, and admonitions to flee the vanities of the world. (Summary drawn from Wikipedia)....
Rabbi Louis Ginzberg was one of the outstanding Talmudists of the twentieth century. He was born on November 28, 1873, in Kovno, Lithuania; he died on November 11, 1953, in New York City. Ginzberg taught at the Jewish Theological seminary from 1903 to 1953. For 50 years, he trained two generations of Conservative Rabbis. The Legends of the Jews is an epic 7-volume compilation of traditional Jewish stories loosely related to the Bible. Over the millenia, these stories, which expand on the Bible, flesh out the lives of biblical figures. In the process, they help bring to life the Bible's valuable lessons. The Legends of the Jews has been called a monumental work of scholarship. It is studied by serious students of both Judaism and Christianity. And yet the stories continue to be accessible and understood by all. They were designed to impart lessons of the Torah, and any child or adult will find much to enjoy about this work. (Summary by Scott Sherris and Wikipedia)...
Short stories, Religion, Myths/Legends