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Diese Sammlung umfasst 15 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres.
Essay/Short nonfiction, Short stories
Kate Orme, shocked by the discovery of her fiance's complicity in a tragedy, and by society's willingness to overlook such transgressions, nevertheless marries him. Years later, her son faces a moral crisis similar to the one that showed her his father's moral weakness. (Introduction by Christine Dufour)...
A woman is apparently murdered in a New York auditorium under very suspicious circumstances one evening during a performance. Helen Hardwick happened to be in attendance that evening, as she had written the play that was being performed, and she was the only person to have caught a glimpse of something peculiar just before the murder. She also heard an ominous laughter which would haunt her for a long time. Was the Gray Phantom involved, or could he assist with the investigation that Helen was to become involved with? (Introduction by Roger Melin)...
Fiction, Horror/Ghost stories, Mystery
Faust. Eine Tragödie (auch Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil oder Faust I) von Johann Wolfgang Goethe gilt als das bedeutendste und meistzitierte Werk der deutschen Literatur. (Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia)...
Literature, Play
Lord Ernest Borrow and Captain Anthony Fenton think they know a secret - a secret that could make them both rich. En route, they are sidetracked by Sir Marcus Antonius Lark, a woman who thinks she's Cleopatra reincarnate, a Gilded Rose of an American Heiress, and Mrs. Jones, a mysterious Irish woman with a past. Will they find the secret? Or will the trip up the Nile on the Enchantress Isis net them another discovery altogether? (summary by Sibella Denton)...
In seiner 1880 erschienenen Anleitung zur Zimmer-Gärtnerei gibt Max Alfred Jubisch leicht verständliche Ratschläge zur richtigen Aufstellung, Pflege und Vermehrung von Zimmerpflanzen. Dabei geht er auch auf die zu dieser Zeit erst in Mode gekommenen Terrarien und Aquarien ein. Wer nicht sofort zur Bekämpfung von Pflanzenkrankheiten die Chemiekeule schwingen will, wird hier sicherlich einige gute Tipps finden. Und wer einfach nur wissen will, wie es anno 1880 in Deutschen (Blumen)-Zimmern ausgesehen haben mag, wird hier sicherlich auch einen kleinen Einblick bekommen. Auf den fünften Abschnitt der Druckausgabe wurde in diesem Hörbuch verzichtet, da es sich im Wesentlichen nur um eine Aufzählung lateinischer Blumennamen handelt. (Wassermann)...
Instruction, Nature, Advice
The novel picks up where Tarzan of the Apes left off. The ape man, feeling rootless in the wake of his noble sacrifice of his prospects of wedding Jane Porter, leaves America for Europe to visit his friend Paul d'Arnot. On the ship he becomes embroiled in the affairs of Countess Olga de Coude, her husband, Count Raoul de Coude, and two shady characters attempting to prey on them, Nikolas Rokoff and his henchman Alexis Paulvitch. (Summary from Wikipedia)...
Adventure, Teen/Young adult
H. C. Andersen opfattes af de fleste mennesker først og fremmest som en børnebogsforfatter. Det er samtidig meget typisk for hans eventyr, at fortællingerne også rummer passager, der taler til den voksne læsers forståelse. Derfor kan såvel børn som voksne have glæde af at opleve - eller genopleve - historierne. Samlingen her indeholder både kendte og mindre kendte eventyr og rummer et lille udsnit af H. C. Andersens mangfoldige forfatterskab. Summary by Kristoffer Hunsdahl...
Fairy tales
’s Short Story Collection 008: a collection of 20 short essays and fiction in the public domain read by a variety of members.
Short stories, Essay/Short nonfiction
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle is a picaresque novel by the Scottish author Tobias Smollett (1721 – 1771), first published in 1751, and revised and reissued in 1758. It is the story of the fortunes and misfortunes of the egotistical dandy Peregrine Pickle, and it provides a comic and caustic portrayal of 18th century European society....
Fiction, Literature
Pole Poppenspäler erzählt die Geschichte der Kinderfreundschaft und späteren Liebe zwischen Paul Paulsen, dem Sohn eines angesehenen Bürgers einer norddeutschen Kleinstadt, und Lisei, der Tochter des fahrenden Puppenspielers Joseph Tendler. Die Städter lachen über Tendlers Spiel, ihn selbst und seine Familie jedoch verachten sie wegen ihres Vagabundenlebens. Immer wieder müssen sich Pauls und Liseis Gefühle gegen die harten Vorurteile der Gesellschaft bewähren.(Summary by Al-Kadi)...
In The Feast of St. Friend, a Christmas book , Arnold Bennett shares his views on Christmas as the season of goodwill. As always, Bennett's writing includes some thought-provoking ideas liberally spiced with his wry sense of humour, and as always too, you can barely believe it was written so long ago. This was published exactly 100 years ago, in 1911. (Introduction by Ruth Golding)...
Advice, Holiday, Humor
Первая книга Пятикнижия (Торы), Ветхаго Завета и всея Библии. Повествует о периоде от Сотворения мiра и человека до смерти Иосифа во Египте. Состоит из пятидесяти глав. (from Wikipedia)...
Delightful sketches of British wild birds - a bird for every month of the year from the pheasant in January to the robin in December. This collection of articles, reprinted in book form from the periodical The Outlook, is full of fascinating information about bird behaviour and habitat, as well as many interesting anecdotes. (Summary by Ruth Golding)...
Northanger Abbey is a hilarious parody of 18th century gothic novels. The heroine, 17-year old Catherine, has been reading far too many “horrid” gothic novels and would love to encounter some gothic-style terror — but the superficial world of Bath proves hazardous enough. (Summary by Kara)...
Horror/Ghost stories, Romance, Satire
Short stories, Fiction
The Idiot is anything but, yet his fellow boarders at Mrs. Smithers-Pedagog’s home for single gentlemen see him as such. His brand of creative thought is dismissed as foolishness yet it continues to get under their skin, because when you’re beneath contempt you can say what you please. – This is the first of John Kendrick Bang’s “Idiot” books and was published by Harper and Brothers in 1895. (Summary by Gregg Margarite)...
Humor, Satire, Comedy
’s Short Story Collection 004: a collection of 20 short essays and fiction in the public domain read by a variety of members.
Diese Sammlung umfasst 10 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres.
Short stories