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Works of Harte, Bret

By Harte, Brett

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Book Id: WPLBN0001591373
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 6.41 MB
Reproduction Date: 2010

Title: Works of Harte, Bret  
Author: Harte, Brett
Language: English
Subject: Dispute Resolution, Marketing, Management
Collections: American Libraries Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: New York, P. F. Collier


APA MLA Chicago

Bret, 1836-190, B. H. (1882). Works of Harte, Bret. Retrieved from

The romance of Madrono Hollow. The poet of Sierra Flat. The Christmas gift that came to Rupert. Urban sketches. Legends and tales.--v. 18. Clarence, the story of a mine.--v. 19. The bell-ringer and Angel's. Johnnyboy. Young Robin Gray. The sheriff of Siskyou. A rose of Glenbogie. The mystery of the Hacienda. Chu Chu. My first book.--v. 20. A protegee of Jack Hamlin's. An ingenue of the Sierras. The reformation of James Reddy. The heir of the McHulishes. An episode of West Woodlands. The home-coming of Jim Wilkes. Jeff Brigg's love story.--v. 21. Sally Dows. The conspiracy of Mrs. Bunker. The transformation of Buckeye Camp.Their uncle from California. A Phyllis of the Sierras ; v.22. A first family of Tasajara. The Queen of the Pirate Isle.--v. 23. Colonel Starbottle's client. The postmistress of Laurel Run. A night at Hays. Johnson's Old woman. The new assistant at Pine Clearing School. In a pioneer restaurant. A treasure of the galleon. Out of a pioneer's trunk. The ghosts of Stukeley Castle. Flip. Found at Blazing Star.--v. 24. Cressy. The twins of Table Mountain. An heiriss of Red Dog. The great Deadwood mystery. A legend of Sammtstadt. Views from a German spion.--v. 25. A Sappho of Green Springs. The chatelaine of Burnt Ridge. Through the Santa Clara wheat. A maecenas of the Pacific slope. The four guardians of Lagrange. Peter Schroeder ; Argonaut edition. v. 1. Drift from two shores. Maruja. By shore and sedge. Thankful blossom.--v. 2. A millionaire of Rough-and-Ready. Devil's Ford. A waif of the plains. In the Carquinez Woods. Snow-bound at Eagle's.--v. 3. A ward of the Golden Gate. The heritage of Dedlow Marsh and other tales.--v. 4. Trent's trust. Mr. MacGlowrie's widow. A ward of Colonel Starbottle's. Prosper's Old mother. The convalescence of Jack Hamlin. A pupil of Chestnut Ridge. Dick Boyle's business card. The crusade of the Excelsior.--v. 5. Handsome is as handsome does. Lothaw. Muck-a-muck. Selina Sedilia. The ninety-nine guardsmen. The dweller of the threshold. The haunted man. Miss Mix. Guy Heavystone. Mr. Midshipman Breezy. John Jenkins. No title ; Fantine. La femme. Mary McGillup. Rupert the Resembler. The stolen cigar case. Golly and the Christian. The adventures of John Longbowe, Yeoman. Dan'l Borem. Stories three.--v. 6. Barker's luck. A yellow dog. A mother of five. Bulger's reputation. In the Tules. A convert of the Mission. The indiscretion of Elsbeth. The devotion of Enriquez. In a hollow of the hills.--v. 7. Sketches. Stories. Bohemian papers. Suzy; a story of the plains.--v. 8. Complete poetical works.--v. 9. A Mercury of the foot-hills. Colonel Starbottle for the plaintiff. The landlord of the Big Flume hotel. A buckeye hollow ingeritance. The reincarnation of Smith. Lanty Foster's mistake. An Ali Baba of the Sierras. Miss Peggy's proteges ; The goddess of Excelsior. How I went to the mines.--v. 10. Under the redwoods.--v. 11. From Sand Hill to pine. A tourist from Injianny.--v. 12. Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation. Two men of Sandy Bar.--v. 13. Stories in light and shadow. The Argonauts of North Liberty.--v. 14. Tales of trail and town: The ancestors of Peter Atherly. Two Americans The judgement of Bolinas Plain. The strange experience of Alkali Dick. A night on the Divide. The youngest prospector in Calaveras. A tale of three truants.--v. 15. Three partners.--v. 16. Tales of the Argonauts. On the frontiers.--v. 17. Mrs. Skagg's husbands. How Santa Claus came to Simpson's Bar. The Princess Bob and her friends. The Iliad of Sandy Bar. Mr. Thompson's prodigal

Cornell University Library


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