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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Introduction And Full Project Index, Book 1 of 7

By Kemp, Anthony, James

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Book Id: WPLBN0004102282
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.13 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/8/2016

Title: Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Introduction And Full Project Index, Book 1 of 7  
Author: Kemp, Anthony, James
Volume: Book 1 of 7
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Science, Sub Molecular Bonding
Collections: Education, Science Fiction Collection, Authors Community, Most Popular Books in China
Publication Date:
Publisher: Pepperday Publications
Member Page: Anthony Kemp


APA MLA Chicago

James Kemp, B. A. (2016). Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Introduction And Full Project Index, Book 1 of 7. Retrieved from

A series of fully illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. It looks at how sub atomic particles form strings rings and then atoms. How simple atoms use two dimensional carriers to form large atoms and the ways atoms bond together into molecules, the foundations of all matter. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level, this allows people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series.

Part of a set of Books that look at how all matter was formed form the earliest movement in the dark matter to the creation galaxies . How atoms are created and how they form into stars and worlds. The forces around this creation and how gravity is formed from three of these forces.

INTRODUCTION AND FULL PROJECT INDEX By way of an introduction to these papers I want to begin by trying to give the reader some basic idea of energy because basically that what these papers are all about. We are all familiar with energy after all it comes out of the electricity socket in the wall, it runs the television, powers the computer and lights, as liquid petrol it runs the car, even as heat from the sun it warms the beach in summer. But this is energy at work, to begin at the beginning we must first have a picture in our minds eye as energy as an entity on its own, something outside our normal perception of stuff. Following this are six pages forming an index to the whole set of six Books.

Table of Contents
In this Book - 1 Introduction - 2 Introduction to energy. - 3. Complete index all to Books in this series - 4 About Author and Contact details.


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