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2 Peter : Devotional Studies on Living Faithfully

By Blair, J. Allen

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Book Id: WPLBN0100002559
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 21.22 MB
Reproduction Date: 06/30/1961

Title: 2 Peter : Devotional Studies on Living Faithfully  
Author: Blair, J. Allen
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, Peter
Collections: Authors Community, Christianity
Publication Date:
Publisher: Loizeaux Brothers, Inc.
Member Page: Wells Tiedeman


APA MLA Chicago

Allen Blair, B. J. (1961). 2 Peter : Devotional Studies on Living Faithfully. Retrieved from

One cannot read far into the Second Epistle of Peter without sensing the theme of "Living Faithfully". Doubtless Peter had never forgotten his extreme failure to live faithfully at the time of his outspoken denial of Christ years before. As a warning to other believers, to help them from falling into the same satanic trap, he writes this brief Epistle. He passionately admonishes all true Christians to beware of false teachers and apostasy and steadfastly to follow the Lord in a life of holiness and obedience.

The Apostle Peter never forgot his outspoken denial of Christ. His failure that night greatly influenced the rest of his life. Years later, LIVING FAITHFULLY became the theme of his second Epistle. Beware of falling into the same satanic trap, Peter is pleading. Beware of apostasy - it seems to be in the very Church itself! Beware of false teachers - God will surely judge their "damnable heresies" and "pernicious ways". Beware lest ye also fall from your own steadfastness. But grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ...

As Peter wrote this second Epistle, he was nearing the end of his life. He was aware of this for he wrote in Chapter 1, verse 14, "Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle." Approaching the end he reminisces. He recalls the "Simon" life, but how grateful that he is that it was supplanted by the "Peter" life. But though this conversion was instantaneous, his transformation was gradual. Peter, like most of us who have believed on Christ, was extremely slow in coming to the place of absolute and complete surrender to the Lord. More and more, however, as he grows older in the faith, he conforms unto the perfect likeness of Christ. In fact, the importance of this truth so gripped his heart that it is the final admonition he leaves us with in this last letter we have from his pen: "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen"

Table of Contents
Introduction 9 1. Redemption 11 2. Recognition 20 3. Reciprocation 29 4. Realization 39 5. Reconsideration 49 6. Recollection 59 7. Revelation 70 8. Renunciation 81 9. Retribution 93 10. Reputation 106 11. Rebellion 118 12. Reassertion 131 13. Retrogression 144 14. Rejection 156 15. Retrospection 169 16. Refutation 183 17. Reflection 196 18. Repudiation 208 19. Renovation 220 20. Regeneration 232 21. Recommendation 244


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