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Autobiography of a Brooklyn Yogi

By Daczynski, Vincent, J.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100302338
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Reproduction Date: 3/29/2020

Title: Autobiography of a Brooklyn Yogi  
Author: Daczynski, Vincent, J.
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Philosophy, Spiritual Development
Collections: New Age, Authors Community
Publication Date:
Publisher: Yogi Vince Books LLC
Member Page: Vincent Daczynski


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J. Daczynsk, B. V. (2020). Autobiography of a Brooklyn Yogi. Retrieved from

I am a Western yogi from Brooklyn. In writing this book I gleaned through notes and memories of numerous experiences spanning over fifty years. I selected those that are the most interesting and important. I hope that you will enjoy reading about my extraordinary spiritual journey. Little has been written about the experiences that yogis have had on their path of spiritual awakening. By writing this book I have filled that gap. I have nothing to prove to anyone. I only share my experiences with the hope that the story of my success is an inspiration to others. I also hope that this book provides an insight into some of the possibilities of human potential. Also, there are many misconceptions about meditation, yoga, God realization and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, so may this book serve to dispel those misconceptions. Further, I hope that this book motivates you to be steadfast in your spiritual pursuit. Regardless of how great the obstacles are that you need to overcome, so much greater will be the rewards that you reap for having overcome those obstacles. Dear reader, I wish that this book encourages you to never give up in your pursuit for God realization. May your desire to realize God be fulfilled in this lifetime.

Mind-boggling superhuman abilities, ecstatic spiritual awakenings and God realization, generally thought to be reserved for reclusive monks and yogis, can also be realized by individuals who are involved in an active Western lifestyle. Anyone can transform their life from complications, misery and feelings of defeat into one of happiness, success and God realization. This book breaks through the barriers of misunderstanding about yoga, spirituality and God realization, and shows that regardless of one’s environment, childhood, or personal problems, it is possible to dispel all of the darkness in one’s life by awakening one’s consciousness. Gleaned from the author’s journals spanning over fifty years of personal mystical experiences, this extraordinary book is packed with knowledge that is useful for the novice seeker as well as the adept. Join Vince as he takes you along on his extraordinary exotic journey through his tumultuous obstacles, challenges, suffering and despair; and how, with the help of great spiritual luminaries, he overcomes his trials and tribulations toward his quest for ultimate reality.

CHAPTER 6 The Awakening …In addition to gaining intellectual knowledge, two weeks into the course I had a profound awakening. I was seated at the head of my bed. My back was cushioned by a large pillow that was between me and the headboard. About a half an hour into my meditation a heavy feeling came over me. My body felt lethargic, but my mind was alert. I felt the need to rest, so I slipped down to the center of the bed and lay on my back in a prone position. No sooner than I lay down, I felt immobilized. A droning sound filled my head. I felt tightness in my chest. I thought that I was having a heart attack. I then felt as if a thousand needles were being stuck simultaneously into all parts of my body; it was the proverbial sting of a thousand scorpions. Then, a sharp pain torturously pierced the center of my brain. The ensuing pain persisted and I thought that I might also be having a stroke. I then exhaled my last breath with a sigh. A tremendous feeling of fear came over me and I agonizingly struggled to breathe, but I could not. I was paralyzed! I could not move a muscle. My face froze in its painful grimace. The piercing head pain, chest pain, suffocation and paralysis, along with my ungodly fear, were almost unbearable. Just after I exhaled my last breath my heart stopped. The pain ceased and I felt good, very good. I no longer felt the need to rest, so I decided to sit up. Without moving my outstretched legs, or aiding myself with my arms, I sat up. I simply bent at the hips and I raised my torso with the contraction of my stomach muscles, so I thought. I wondered how I could have so effortlessly sat up. I felt buoyant. While I was still in the seated position with outstretched legs, I floated off the front edge of the bed. I was bewildered by my weightlessness. I slowly floated to the floor and as I did, I turned around. I could not believe my eyes! There I was still lying in bed. I was bewildered. My physical body was on the bed lifeless, breathless. I had disassociated from my body and I occupied a different form. I looked down at my new form. It was an ethereal faintly luminous grayish mist. Everything around me also had a misty appearance. My faculties of discrimination and thought processes functioned as usual. The only difference was that the process was not from the perspective of my physical body, but from my subtle body form. My self-identification was not with my physical body. I was in ethereal form and ten feet away from my physical body. From this perspective I viewed my physical body as any other external object of perception. Suddenly I snapped back into my physical body. I inhaled with a huge breath and my heart began to beat. My body was reanimated. I felt charged with energy. My brief suspension was as rejuvenating as an entire night’s sleep. I felt fantastic and I wanted to jump and dance. I was awestruck by the realization that I was not my physical body. Within my physical body was an ethereal double, a subtle body, a spiritual body, which was the real me that did the experiencing. The physical body was merely a vehicle for my consciousness. I had come as close to the death experience as I could without actually dying. I believe that I would have been pronounced clinically dead, but I was very much alive. From this experience I realized that there was no death, no finality. Only the body, the gross physical sheath, dies. The subtle inner sheaths, constituting the spiritual body, continue to live apart from the body which they occupied I recalled my grandmother’s parting words as she momentarily came out of her coma and proclaimed, “It’s all a fake!” She slipped back into a coma and died shortly afterward. The truth is man is spirit, not flesh. As long as man continues to preoccupy himself with the gratification of the flesh, he will remain locked in ignorance with a mortal concept of his reality. By awakening to the realization that he is essentially an indwelling immortal spiritual being, he will not be able to continue on a path of ignorance. He will be compelled to travel the spiritual path. The senses of perception also reside in the subtle body. It is easy to understand how Kuda Bux could see without the use of his physical eyes. By practicing a concentration technique, he developed the ability to bring his awareness to the level of his subtle body. At will he transcended his physical body and consciously functioned from the level of his subtle body. He used his subtle sense of sight. Also, the subtle body can function at a great distance from the physical body from which it disassociates. This explains how remote viewing is done. Seeing the world from an ethereal perspective, one realizes that the physical world is not a physical world after all. The physical world is an illusion. It is a waking dream. It appears to be real while you are in it, just like a dream appears to be real while you are in it. One awakens from a dream and realizes that it was just a dream. Likewise, one awakens from the waking dream to realize that it too was an illusion. What we call physical reality is just a play and display of consciousness. From the perspective of the physical body, matter appears to be physical, but from an ethereal perspective matter is ethereal. In a subtle body you can pass your hand through what appeared to you in a physical body to have been solid. You can literally walk through a wall. My experience is supported by some renowned physicists who have postulated that what we call physical reality may be a projection of consciousness itself…

Table of Contents
Author’s Note Warning and Disclaimer Preface 1. The Early Years 2. A Prophetic Dream 3. Kuda Bux–The Man with X-ray Eyes 4. A Demonstration in ESP 5. From Darkness to Light 6. The Awakening 7. Pilgrimage to India 8. Shortcut to Nirvana 9. Inner Peace, Outer Chaos 10. A Chance Encounter with Yogi Gupta 11. A Message from Tat Wale Baba 12. We Move to Kashmir 13. Swami Lakshmanjoo, Master of Nature 14. All Kinds of Problems 15. Being in Three Places Simultaneously 16. Experiences in Cosmic Consciousness 17. The Holy Couple 18. Becoming an Urdhvareta Yogi 19. Experiencing Levitation 20. Flat Broke in Los Angeles 21. Clairvoyant Stella Laverne 22. Demonstrations in Clairaudience 23. The Dark Night of the Soul 24. A Touch of Grace 25. Meditating in the Great Pyramid 26. Amma, the Hugging Saint 27. Nine Days with Sathya Sai Baba 28. The Murder of Tat Wale Baba 29. Healings from Charlie Lutes 30. Lessons from Swami Lakshmanjoo 31. Developing Intuition 32. Blessings from Mataji 33. Surviving the Northridge Earthquake 34. Visits from Mother Meera 35. Communicating with the Dead 36. Miracles from Sri Karunamayi 37. The Saint Who Does Not Eat 38. More Darshan from Sathya Sai Baba 39. Maharishi Transformed Me 40. An Explosive Breakthrough 41. Amma’s Magic Carpet 42. A Visit to Shambhala 43. The Transverberation of My Heart 44. More Blessings from the Saints 45. The Process of Spiritual Awakening 46. Seeing the Light of God 47. At Death's Door 48. Persevering 49. The Way to God Realization Endnotes


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