Search Results (11 titles)

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English (X) Environmental Economics (X) Government (X)

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The Transatlantic Environmental Conflict Explained

By: David Perel

This original work explores the differences in environmental policy between the US and European countries, providing causal arguments for the differences. This thesis is the only comparative environmental political analysis of its kind, and completely reverses a very ill-informed transatlantic debate with facts and causal analysis. Specific focus is provided for the EU, the UK, and France, on the issues environmental law enforcement, global warming, and the precautionary principle. Advisor: Rahul Sagar Second Reader: Ezra Suleiman...

Introduction......................................4 1: Regulatory Values............................ 21 2: The American Environmental Conflict.... 38 3: European Environmental Cooperation ....50 A. The Environmental Revolution in Europe B. The Diminishing Direct Effect of EU Environmental Law C. The Aarhus Convention 4: A Comparison of National Level Environmental Law Enforcement.....................................70 A. English Environmental Law: Exceedingly Mild-Mannered B. French Environmental Law: A Balanced Approach C. A Comparison with American Environmental Penalties 5: Climate Change...............................84 A. The Republican Party and Anti-Environmentalism B. Industry and Republicans C. American Public Opinion and the American Oil Industry D. The Waxman-Markey Bill 6: The Precautionary Principle.................95 Conclusion.......................................105...

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The Greatest Secret in Modern History : UFOs and a Solution to the Environmental and Energy Crisis

By: Steven M. Greer

Respected Disclosure Project Supporters, We are taking another big step toward full disclosure of the secret government and towards resolving the environmental and energy crisis we all find ourselves in. We have compiled two brief, important documents which, if spread far and wide, could have a very large impact on the consciousness of our nation and world. We need your help in spreading these documents to all who might be interested, both through email and through public posting and distribution. Both of these short documents are collections of some of the most powerful, revealing quotes from the book of witness testimony we compiled - Disclosure. The two-page document entitled, The Greatest Secret in Modern History, through concise, precise quotes reveals: 1) the existence of ETs; 2) their desire for us not to use nuclear devices; 3) advanced technologies developed through black projects; and 4) the war plan of the secret government. The credentials of the speakers as a whole cannot be questioned. We believe that anyone who reads this document with an open mind cannot help but be drawn to assist us in our efforts towards ...

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Maxwell Paper Anthology : Award-Winning Papers AY 2010

By: Air University

Air War College Maxwell Paper Anthology, a compilation of the award-winning papers from our 2010 graduates. Since we published the first Maxwell Paper in May 1996, we have distributed 47 papers demonstrating the highest level of analytical creativity and scholarship. The 12 papers presented here provide insight into and promote discussion on topics of importance to senior leaders....


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The Great Galactic Treasure Hunt : A Science Fiction Adventure: A Science Fiction Adventure

By: Ingo Potsch; Ingo Potsch

The Great Galactic Treasure Hunt follows a number of individuals who for some reason or the other didn’t make it in the densely populated, highly civilised worlds of the big states; often consisting of a large number of inhabited planets with many billions of citizen on each world. There, life is safe and orderly, well-regulated, tidy and highly controlled. The vast majority of individuals of all described species lives on such worlds; and they like their life there. Yet, some just don’t fit in or feel that they don’t and some just can’t make it there. These take to the free areas of the galaxy, here anyone with the will to succeed can make it and find happiness; or the premature violent end, death by accident or predators, illness or starvation. Anyone can go there and be lucky to quench the thrust for freedom, success, and gold, or die by the plain old thirst of water. The Great Galactic Treasure Hunt begins with a few such adventurers who are on their way to new exploits, trying to test the limits of their luck again. Soon, some of them come together to better pursue their common interest with mutual support and travel together t...

When the gigantic trans-galactic cargo ship Ostia entered the hyperspace Arcus Stream, it was high noon local time right under it on a planet named Vato Lehibe. She had left the stationary orbit around Vato Lehibe early in the morning. Vato Lehibe was a booming mining planet. Its rock was of a deep red colour and contained high concentrations of aluminium and other metals. As the resources’ deposits began just under the surface, scrap mining was possible and profitable. The Arcus Stream was a kind of swift canal through hyperspace that allowed very fast travel, even for hyperspace terms. Outside the strong wall of the huge spaceship, wavelike trails of misty appearance rushed by. Actually, it was the Ostia that rushed through pas them. She was not only one of the biggest spaceships ever built but also one of the fastest. The Ostia carried passengers, good, and even other, smaller spaceships. Going at a rate of eighty to hundred light years per hour under good to optimal conditions, the Ostia was several times faster than the smaller spaceships she carried as cargo in her huge belly. Sometime in the afternoon, the Ostia was sched...

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Interagency Fratricide : Policy Failures in the Persian Gulf and Bosnia

By: Vicki J. Rast

Interagency Fratricide: Policy Failures in the Persian Gulf and Bosnia provides a comprehensive analysis of the factors that affected both interagency processes and policy outcomes during the Persian Gulf War (1990–91) and the early stages of the Bosnia crisis (1993–95). Going one-on-one with members of Washington’s policy elite who were involved directly in these two cases, the author demonstrates that the US government’s approach to termination policy proved fragmented and personality driven. She systematically presents evidence to support the study’s conclusion, revealing that the nature of the gap between diplomats and war fighters will consistently produce policies that bring about cease-fire in the form of war termination, but fail to address the underlying causes and conditions that generated conflict (and, potentially, war). These issues must be resolved if the US government hopes to improve the social and political conditions of those embroiled in conflict while at the same time bolstering a security posture favorable to US interests in the aftermath of intervention. The three sections of this work thematically present...

PART I Framing the Problem 1 CONFLICT TERMINATION WITHIN A BUREAUCRATIC ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . 3 Interagency Decision Making via Negotiation. . . . . . . . . . 5 The Efficacy of the Policy-Making Process . . 14 Outline of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Implications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2 RATIONAL CHOICE THEORY: INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP CHOICE . . . . . . . 27 Decision-Making Approaches: Units of Analysis as Delimiters . . . . . . . . . 28 Rational Choice Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Groups as “Less than Rational” Actors . . . . .41 Rationale for Alternative Approaches . . . . . .48 Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3 CONFLICT TERMINATION MODELS . . . . . . 61 Points or Processes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Rational Actor Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4 THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . 85 Allison’s Bureaucratic Politics Approach . . . . 85 US Government Decision Making . . . . . . . . 92 ...

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Thai Agriculture: Golden Cradle of Millennia

By: Lindsay Falvey

From hunters and gatherers through agro-cities, State-religious Empires infiltrated by migrating Tai persons with a wet glutinous rice technology, evolved to produce a sustainable agriculture. Rice culture determined administrative structures in a pragmatic society which regularly produced a saleable surplus. Ayutthaya’s ascendancy, continuing today, consolidated the importance of rice agriculture to national security and economic well-being, as Chinese and European influence benefited agribusiness and initiated the demand which would expand agriculture through population increase until accessible land was expended. The resulting central interest in the spoils of agriculture more than its producers pervaded decision-making until recently, and was supported by narrow economic development advocates. As agriculture declined in relative financial importance, it continued to provide the benefits of employment, crisis resilience, self-sufficiency, rural social support, and cultural custody. Technical and economic globalisation forces which assumed a cultural uniformity were eventually revealed to require modification, but had meanwhile a...

Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Uniquely Agricultural Golden Cradle The Land of the Thai Soils Water Resources Climate Other Natural Resources Regional Origins Intensification Industrialisation National and Global Responsibilities Current Situation Ingredients of Thai Agriculture Summary Chapter 2 - Agricultural Origins From Gathering to Growing Neolithic to Iron Age Domination of Rice Early Thai Agriculturists Khmer Agriculture Pagan Agriculture Southern Thailand Summary Chapter 3 - Arrival of Tai Agriculture Chinese Tai Muang F Integrating Technologies Tai Agriculturists Migrating Farmers Tai in Thailand Tai Traits Environmental Traditions Tai and Buddhist Environments Summary Chapter 4 - Expansion of Thai Agriculture from 1200 C Agricultural Organisation Agricultural Administration Integrating Irrigation Systems Agricultural Domination Tai to Thai Agriculture 5 Agricultural Life Summary Chapter 5 - Emerging Agribusiness: Ayutthaya to the Early Twentieth Century Agriculture, Environment and Morality Export Rice Cash Crops Foreign Influence Administering the Peasants State Irrigation Development Traders and Early Agrib...

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Dangerous Times II Edition : Living in and surviving the dangerous times: Living in and surviving the dangerous times

By: Magen Ha Cherut, Ph.D.; Occulta Aspicientis, Ph.D., Co-Author

On preservation of the Western rights, freedoms and quality of life in 21st century and beyond

Systemic approach to life of the highly cultured people provides them with higher level of happiness simply because their lives are better organized, risks are covered, reserves are maintained, dangers avoided, contacts established and so on so forth. Culture is not something that comes only with DNA, but genetic pre-disposition towards culture exists without doubt. Otherwise there would be no examples of people raising themselves above the scum they were born in and reaching high levels of society. Understanding of the elements of high culture, its systemic approach to organizing one’s life, can be practiced by virtually everybody. One just needs to want to elevate themselves and work towards that goal, which may involve getting better training and education, moving to a different neighborhood, getting a different job, spending time on more important things rather than on leisure, quitting drinking and smoking, refusing drugs, taking care of health, concentrating on the upbringing of the children and helping them in their adult life, babysitting grand-children, watching over quality of food supply and keeping the family ...

Table of Contents Introduction iii Table of Contents iv About this book ix Who should not read this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Who is this book for? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Response to our critics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x About the authors xiii I What do we want to preserve and why? 1 1 Foreword 3 2 Measuring the quality of life 5 2.1 Individual happiness and self-fulfillment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Individual rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.3 Social harmony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Checks and balances 11 3.1 Acceptable personal risk and responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4 What is worth to fight for? 15 4.1 Security of the person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2 Personal and societal wealth . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

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Smallholder Dairying in the Tropics

By: Lindsay Falvey & Charan Chantalakhana

Total consumption of milk in developing regions is projected to increase from 164 million metric tonnes in 1993 to 391 million metric tons by the year 2020 – a 138 percent increase! The expected increase in per capita consumption is from 38 to 62 kg/person. The triple effects of population increase, income growth and urbanisation will fuel this tremendous growth in demand. Milk provides quality protein and essential micronutrients needed for nutrient balance in marginal diets based on staple grain and root crops. The production of more milk in developing countries will help meet the needs of urban families at prices they can afford. With affordable prices, poor families, especially children, are more likely to consume the quality protein and essential micronutrients they need for healthy physical and mental development. Increasing dairy production is a major challenge for those engaged in international livestock development. Moreover, there are environmental concerns about livestock production in fragile landscapes, so increasing milk supply should be done in an environmentally sustainable manner. Research can help meet this c...

Table of Contents About the Authors Acknowledgements Foreward Chapter 1: The dairy industry in a changing world H. Schelhaas Introduction Four specific features of the dairy industry Milk production The processing industry in Western countries Dairy policy Consumption of dairy products in Western countries The international dairy markets Conclusions Suggested reading Chapter 2: Dairy production systems in the tropics P. N. de Leeuw, A. Omore, S. Staal and W. Thorpe Global overview of tropical dairy production Sub-Saharan Africa Asia Central and South America Dairy production systems in sub-Saharan Africa Dairy production systems in Asia Dairy production systems in Latin America Dual-purpose systems Intensive milk production Conclusions References Chapter 3: Socio-economic aspects of smallholder dairy farmers A. J. De Boer Introduction Smallholder dairy farming systems Types of systems Post-milking considerations Technological change and technology transfer for smallholder dairying Background Methods On-farm trials Change, dynamics and opportunities Impact of economic liberalisa...

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Atlas of Hawai'I

By: Department of Geography, University of Hawaii at Hilo

The long-awaited third edition of the Atlas of Hawai'i is entirely revised in content and design. It is divided into six sections, five of which are abundantly illustrated. The first contains detailed reference maps with place names for towns, mountains, bays, harbors, and other features; geographical descriptions of the state and the main islands; and an introduction to Hawaiian place names. This is followed by four sections on the physical, biotic, cultural, and social aspects of the Hawai'i environment. Geology, climate, the ocean, water, soils, and astronomy are among the topics discussed in "The Physical Environment." Next the special character of terrestrial and marine ecosystems is described in "The Biotic Environment." "The Cultural Environment" considers the people of Hawai'i. The diversity of the state's cultures is treated in chapters on history and languages as well as archaeology, religion, and the arts. "The Social Environment" treats such elements as the economy, government, and tourism. The sixth and final section comprises a statistical supplement, bibliography, and gazetteer for the reference maps. Readers of th...

Eo e ku'u lei mokupuni o na kai 'ewalu- I call to you, acknowledge O my lei islands of the eight seas. Located between 19 and 22 degrees north latitude, Hawai'i is the southernmost state in the United States and has the same general latitude as Hong Kong and Mexico City. It is situated almost in the center of the Pacific Ocean and is one of the most isolated yet populous places on Earth. The west coast of North America, for example, is 2,400 miles (3,900 kilometers) from Honolulu, and Japan is 3,800 miles (6,100 kilometers) away. Six time zones separate Hawai'i from the eastern United States. This means that 9:00 A.M. (eastern standard time) in Washington, D.C. and New York City is 6:00 a.m. in Los Angeles and 4:00 a.m. in Hawai'i....

Preface -- ix -- Acknowledgments -- xi -- Introduction -- xiii -- Kaua'i and Ni'ihau -- 3 -- O'ahu -- 7 -- Moloka'i and Lana'i -- 11 -- Maui -- 14 -- Hawai'i -- 17 -- Northwestern Hawaiian Islands -- 23 -- Hawaiian Place Names -- 26 -- Mapping and Geodesy -- 29 -- Geology -- 37 -- Geothermal Resources -- 47 -- Climate -- 49 -- Hawai'i and Atmospheric Change -- 60 -- Paleoclimate and Geography -- 64 -- Natural Hazards -- 67 -- Earthquakes -- 69 -- Volcanic Hazards on the Island of Hawai'i -- 72 -- Hurricanes -- 74 -- Tsunamis -- 76 -- Coastal Hazards -- 79 -- The Ocean -- 82 -- Water -- 87 -- Soils -- 92 -- Astronomy -- 97 -- Biogeography -- 103 -- Evolution -- 107 -- Marine Ecosystems -- 111 -- Terrestrial Ecosystems -- 121 -- Birds -- 130 -- Native Plants -- 135 -- Insects and Their Kin -- 140 -- Hawaiian Tree Snails -- 144 -- Alien Species and Threats to Native Ecology -- 146 -- Endangered and Threatened Species -- 150 -- Protected Areas -- 154 -- Archaeology -- 161 -- History -- 169 -- Population -- 183 -- Languages -- 198 -- Religion -- 201 -- Architecture -- 205 -- Museums and Libraries -- 208 -- Culture and the Arts -- 211 --...

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Cyclone Nargis, Myanmar : Risk Reduction in Natural Resource Management

By: Dr. John Espie Leake

What this Book is About There is a commonly held view that the incidence and scale of disasters is increasing in the modern world although some disagreement on whether the incidence of events, such as Tsunamis, earthquakes, fires, floods etc., that can give rise to disasters is increasing. The view is understandable, both population and their built environment are increasing so more is at risk and this trend of increased risk will continue while populations continue to rise. As the World Bank Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) enumerates this: ‘Natural disasters are becoming more costly: in constant dollars, disaster costs between 1990 and 1999 were more than 15 times higher ($652 billion in material losses) than they were between 1950 and 1959 ($38 billion at 1998 values) The human cost is also high: over the 1984–2003 period, more than 4.1 billion people were affected by natural disasters. The number affected has grown, from 1.6 billion in the first half of that period (1984–93) to almost 2.6 billion in the second half (1994-2003), and has continued to increase. Although disasters caused by natural events occur throughout...

List of figures, table & Abbreviations ix Acknowledgements x What this Book is About 1 Chapter 1 - Key Concepts 7 Disaster Risk Reduction 7 Risk 10 Fast and Slow Onset Disasters 11 Resilience 12 Systems Thinking 13 Self-organising Systems 18 A System for Disaster Risk Reduction 21 Evaluation of Natural Disasters 22 Chapter 2 –Components of Disasters and NRM 27 Economic Analysis – Five Forms of Capital 27 The Significance of Context 31 Ecosystems Functional Analysis ...

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The Renaissance of Science : The Story of the Atom and Chemistry

By: Ph.D. Albert Martini

The 2000 year history of the atom and chemistry, from the Classic Greek Era to the present, is described in 800 pages, depicted with some 300 pictures and illustrations. This history of the atom and chemistry discusses the lives of about 180 chemists and physicists, through the evolution of several stages of development, representing the most important scientific accomplishments. The most significant discoveries in chemistry and physics are presented chronologically to illustrate their contributions to the creation of the chemical sciences during the last 21 centuries....

INTRODUCTION It is a genuine pleasure and challenge for me to try to express the full extent of my emotions and reasons for writing this book on the STORY OF THE ATOM AND THE SCIENCES, with special reference to the CHEMICAL SCIENCES. In one sentence, I can distill the essence of the purpose for this study by simply stating that it has been a labor of love that transcended the written word because sentiments and ideas belong in the realm of the ethereal and the philosophical as well as in the domain of LITERATURE and SCIENCE. Ever since a young and impressionable student attending a country school in a community of a few hundred people, began to be introduced to the world of knowledge over 65 years ago, the sciences became to me what water is to fish, air is to birds and earth is to humanity. The introduction to the mathematical, physical, chemical and biological sciences felt like reading a beautiful poem or listening to a romantic melody. In essence, it was truly a joyful experience, full of the enigmatic, the mysterious and the fantastic, beyond my wildest imagination. The words used in the title of this book, were car...

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 THE STORY OF THE ATOM AND CHEMISTRY 7 THE CAVE MAN 7 ABSTRACT ON THE CONCEPT OF PERSPECTIVE AND SENSE OF DUTY 8 THE MIGRATORY AND THE SEDENTARY MAN 9 ABSTRACT ON THE ATOM AND ITS ENERGY 11 THE CLASSIC GREEK AND ROMAN PHILOSOPHERS 17 EMPEDOCLES (492-432 BC) Greek Philosopher 20 Proposed the four basic elements: earth, water, air and fire. DEMOCRITUS (470-380 BC) Greek Philosopher 22 The founder of the atomic theory of antiquity. CLAUDIUS PTOLEMY (100-170) Greek Astronomer 24 Proponent of the geocentric theory of our solar system with the Earth and not the Sun at its center. ABSTRACT ON THE GENESIS OF AN ORDERLY AND SYSTEMATIC UNIVERSE 25 THE ALCHEMY OF ANTIQUITY AND THE MIDDLE AGES 32 THE METAL INDUSTRY OF ANTIQUITY 33 Mercury, Copper, Bronze, Iron and Steel. GEBER (721-815) Arabian Alchemist 38 One of the first scholars and alchemists of the Islamic world. OMAR KHAYYAM (12th Century). Persian Scientist and Astronomer 38 Brilliant astronomer and alchemist of the 12th Century. BERNARDO TREVISAN (1406 -1490) Italian Alchemist 39 One of the most famous alchemists of th...

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