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The Cycle Code : Long-term stock option wealth through short-term S&P cycles

By: Julian Sebastian

A cycle based approach to stock and options trading

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Scientia Magna : An International Journal : Volume 1, No. 1, 2005

By: Liu Yanni; Shaanxi Xi'an, editor

The main purpose of this paper is using the elementary method to study the mean value properties of the Smarandache function, and give an interesting asymptotic formula....

x1. Introduction In reference [1], the Smarandache Sum of Composites Between Factors function SCBF(n) is defined as: The sum of composite numbers between the smallest prime factor of n and the largest prime factor of n. For example, SCBF(14)=10, since 2£7 = 14 and the sum of the composites between 2 and 7 is: 4 + 6 = 10. In reference [2]: A number n is called simple number if the product of its proper divisors is less than or equal to n. Let A denotes set of all simple numbers. That is, A = f2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 13; 14; 15; 17; 19; 21. ...

On the Smarandache function and square complements 1 Zhang Wenpeng , Xu Zhefeng On the integer part of the k -th root of a positive integer 5 Zhang Tianping , Ma Yuankui Smarandache “Chopped” NN and N + 1N¡1 9 Jason Earls The 57 -th Smarandache’s problem II 13 Liu Huaning , Gao Jing Perfect Powers in Smarandache n - Expressions 15 Muneer Jebreel Karama On the m -th power residue of n 25 Li Junzhuang and Zhao Jian Generalization of the divisor products and proper divisor products sequences 29 Liang Fangchi The science of lucky sciences 33 Jon Perry Smarandache Sequence of Unhappy Numbers 37 Muneer Jebreel Karama On m -th power free part of an integer 39 Zhao Xiaopeng and Ren Zhibin On two new arithmetic functions and the k -power complement number sequences 43 Xu Zhefeng Smarandache Replicating Digital Function Numbers 49 Jason Earls On the m -power residues numbers sequence 53 Ma Yuankui , Zhang Tianping Smarandache Reverse Power Summation Numbers 57 Jason Earls Some Smarandache Identities 59 Muneer Jebreel Karama On the integer part of a positive integer’s k -th root 61 Yang Hai , F...

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Oglinzi Paralele şi Perpendiculare, Florentin Smarandache, Paradoxismul şi Viteza Supraluminală (Mirrors Parallel and Perpendicular : Florentin Smarandache Paradoxism and Light Speed)

By: Florentin Smarandache

Volumul de faţă adună o mână de studii, articole şi consemnări din presa românească despre scriitorul şi omul de ştiinţă Florentin Smarandache, mişcarea lite-rar-artistică pe care a iniţiat-o (Paradoxismul) şi una dintre teoriile pe care le-a dezvoltat (Viteza Supra-luminală); câteva mesaje adresate acestuia şi o addenda ilustrată vin să contureze peisajul ştiinţific, artistic şi uman în care se mişcă unul dintre cei mai prolifici, mai interesanţi şi mai apreciaţi români ai momentului. This volume gathers a handful of studies, articles and records of Romanian press about the writer and scientist Smarandache rare literary and artistic movement that initiated it (Paradoxism) and one of the theories he developed (Over-luminal speed) address and a few messages come to shape the landscape addenda illustrated scientific, artistic and human that moves one of the most prolific, most interesting and Romanian appreciate the moment....

Florentin Smarandache este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți scriitor români în afara ţării natale. Activităţile sale literare şi ştiinţifice sunt impresionante. Peste 3.000 de pagini de jurnal nepublicate (datorate călătoriei şi traiului în jurul lumii, dornic să ştie şi să întâlnească oameni şi să studieze diferite culturi). La Arizona State University, Hayden Library, în Tempe, Arizona, există o mare colecţie specială numită “The Florentin Smarandache Papers” (care are mai mult de 30 de picioare liniare / linear feet) cu cărţi, reviste, manuscrise, documente, CD-uri, DVD-uri, benzi video realizate de el sau despre opera sa. Altă colecţie specială “The Florentin Smarandache Papers” se află la The University of Texas, la Austin, Archives of American Mathematics (în cadrul Centrului American de Istorie). ...

NORMA SMARANDACHE ..................................... 7 Florentin Smarandache: Fişă de dicţionar ..................................... 9 Nominalizarea lui Florentin Smarandache pentru Premiul Nobel pentru literatură (Geo Stroe)..... 18 Fizicianul care l-a contrazis pe Einstein (Florin Grieraşu) ..................................... 25 FAŢETELE PARADOXULUI ..................................... 37 De la paradox la paradoxism (Titu Popescu) ............................... 38 De la multistructură şi multispaţiu la “recepţionarea multidimensională estetică şi paradoxistă Smarandache” (Ştefan Vlăduţescu) ..................................... 51 Teoria S-negării (Olga Popescu) ..................................... 54 Antiscrisori paradoxiste (Ion Segărceanu) ..................................... 57 Antologia a şasea paradoxistă în cotidianul internaţional (Marinela Preoteasa) ..................................... 61 MATEMATICA LITERELOR ..................................... 65 Libertatea s-a născut la mahala (Tudor Negoescu) ..................................... 66 Florentin Smarandache: poetul matematician (Ion M...

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Non-Associative Linear Algebras

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has six chapters. First chapter is introductory in nature. The new concept of non-associative semi-linear algebras is introduced in chapter two. This structure is built using groupoids over semi-fields. Third chapter introduces the notion of non-associative linear algebras. These algebraic structures are built using the new class of loops. All these non-associative linear algebras are defined over the prime characteristic field Zp, p a prime. However if we take polynomial non associative, linear algebras over Zp, p a prime; they are of infinite dimension over Zp. We in chapter four introduce the notion of groupoid vector spaces of finite and infinite order and their generalizations. Only when this study becomes popular and familiar among researchers several applications will be found. The final chapter suggests around 215 problems some of which are at research level. ...

Ln(m) is a loop of order n + 1 that is Ln(m) is always of even order greater than or equal to 6. For more about these loops please refer [37]. All properties discussed in case of groupoids can be done for the case of loops. However the resultant product may not be a loop in general. For the concept of semifield refer [41]. We will be using these loops and groupoids to build linear algebra and semilinear algebras which are non associative. ...


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Non Associative Algebraic Structures Using Finite Complex Numbers

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has six chapters. The first one is introductory in nature. Second chapter introduces complex modulo integer groupoids and complex modulo integer loops using C(Zn). This chapter gives 77 examples and forty theorems. Chapter three introduces the notion of nonassociative complex rings both finite and infinite using complex groupoids and complex loops. This chapter gives over 120 examples and thirty theorems. Forth chapter introduces nonassociative structures using complex modulo integer groupoids and quasi loops. This new notion is well illustrated by 140 examples. These can find applications only in due course of time, when these new concepts become familiar. The final chapter suggests over 300 problems some of which are research problems....

THEOREM 2.1: Let G = {C(Zn), *, (t, u); t, u ∈ Zn} be a complex modulo integer groupoid. If H ⊆ G is such that H is a Smarandache modulo integer subgroupoid, then G is a Smarandache complex modulo integer groupoid. But every subgroupoid of G need not be a Smarandache complex modulo interger subgroupoid even if G is a Smarandache groupoid. Proof is direct and hence is left as an exercise to the reader. Example 2.28: Consider G = {C(Z8), *, (2, 4)}, a complex modulo integer groupoid....

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Neutrosophic Rings

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has four chapters. Chapter one is introductory in nature, for it recalls some basic definitions essential to make the book a self-contained one. Chapter two, introduces for the first time the new notion of neutrosophic rings and some special neutrosophic rings like neutrosophic ring of matrix and neutrosophic polynomial rings. Chapter three gives some new classes of neutrosophic rings like group neutrosophic rings, neutrosophic group neutrosophic rings, semigroup neutrosophic rings, S-semigroup neutrosophic rings which can be realized as a type of extension of group rings or generalization of group rings. Study of these structures will throw light on the research on the algebraic structure of group rings. Chapter four is entirely devoted to the problems on this new topic, which is an added attraction to researchers. A salient feature of this book is that it gives 246 problems in Chapter four. Some of the problems are direct and simple, some little difficult and some can be taken up as a research problem....

Now we proceed onto define the notion of neutrosophic subgroup of a neutrosophic group. DEFINITION 1.1.2: Let N(G) = 〈G ∪ I〉 be a neutrosophic group generated by G and I. A proper subset P(G) is said to be a neutrosophic subgroup if P(G) is a neutrosophic group i.e. P(G) must contain a (sub) group. Example 1.1.3: Let N(Z2) = 〈Z2 ∪ I〉 be a neutrosophic group under addition. N(Z2) = {0, 1, I, 1 + I}. Now we see {0, I} is a group under + in fact a neutrosophic group {0, 1 + I} is a group under ‘+’ but we call {0, I} or {0, 1 + I} only as pseudo neutrosophic groups for they do not have a proper subset which is a group. So {0, I} and {0, 1 + I} will be only called as pseudo neutrosophic groups (subgroups). We can thus define a pseudo neutrosophic group as a neutrosophic group, which does not contain a proper subset which is a group. Pseudo neutrosophic subgroups can be found as a substructure of neutrosophic groups. Thus a pseudo neutrosophic group though has a group structure is not a neutrosophic group and a neutrosophic group cannot be a pseudo neutrosophic group. Both the concepts are different. Now we see a neutrosophi...

Preface 5 Chapter One INTRODUCTION 1.1 Neutrosophic Groups and their Properties 7 1.2 Neutrosophic Semigroups 20 1.3 Neutrosophic Fields 27 Chapter Two NEUTROSOPHIC RINGS AND THEIR PROPERTIES 2.1 Neutrosophic Rings and their Substructures 29 2.2 Special Type of Neutrosophic Rings 41 Chapter Three NEUTROSOPHIC GROUP RINGS AND THEIR GENERALIZATIONS 3.1 Neutrosophic Group Rings 59 3.2 Some special properties of Neutrosophic Group Rings 73 3.3 Neutrosophic Semigroup Rings and their Generalizations 85 Chapter Four SUGGESTED PROBLEMS 107 REFERENCES 135 INDEX 149 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 154 ...

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Neutrosophic Bilinear Algebras and Their Generalizations

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

The first chapter is introductory in nature and gives a few essential definitions and references for the reader to make use of the literature in case the reader is not thorough with the basics. The second chapter deals with different types of neutrosophic bilinear algebras and bivector spaces and proves several results analogous to linear bialgebra. In chapter three the authors introduce the notion of n-linear algebras and prove several theorems related to them. Many of the classical theorems for neutrosophic algebras are proved with appropriate modifications. Chapter four indicates the probable applications of these algebraic structures. The final chapter suggests about 80 innovative problems for the reader to solve....

Dedication 5 Preface 7 Chapter One INTRODUCTION TO BASIC CONCEPTS 9 1.1 Introduction to Bilinear Algebras and their Generalizations 9 1.2 Introduction to Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures 11 Chapter Two NEUTROSOPHIC LINEAR ALGEBRA 15 2.1 Neutrosophic Bivector Spaces 15 2.2 Strong Neutrosophic Bivector Spaces 32 2.3 Neutrosophic Bivector Spaces of Type II 50 2.4 Neutrosophic Biinner Product Bivector Space 198 Chapter Three NEUTROSOPHIC n-VECTOR SPACES 205 3.1 Neutrosophic n-Vector Space 205 3.2 Neutrosophic Strong n-Vector Spaces 276 3.3 Neutrosophic n-Vector Spaces of Type II 307 Chapter Four APPLICATIONS OF NEUTROSOPHIC n-LINEAR ALGEBRAS 359 Chapter Five SUGGESTED PROBLEMS 361 FURTHER READING 391 INDEX 396 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 402...

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Natural Product Xn On Matrices

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has eight chapters. The first chapter is introductory in nature. Polynomials with matrix coefficients are introduced in chapter two. Algebraic structures on these polynomials with matrix coefficients is defined and described in chapter three. Chapter four introduces natural product on matrices. Natural product on super matrices is introduced in chapter five. Super matrix linear algebra is introduced in chapter six. Chapter seven claims only after this notion becomes popular we can find interesting applications of them. The final chapter suggests over 100 problems some of which are at research level....

In this chapter we only indicate as reference of those the concepts we are using in this book. However the interested reader should refer them for a complete understanding of this book. In this book we define the notion of natural product in matrices so that we have a nice natural product defined on column matrices, m * n (m ≠ n) matrices. This extension is the same in case of row matrices. We make use of the notion of semigroups and Smarandache semigroups. Also the notion of semirings, Smarandache semirings, semi vector spaces and semifields are used....

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Groups as Graphs

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has four chapters. Chapter one is introductory in nature. The reader is expected to have a good background of algebra and graph theory in order to derive maximum understanding of this research. The second chapter represents groups as graphs. The main feature of this chapter is that it contains 93 examples with diagrams and 18 theorems. In chapter three we describe commutative semigroups, loops, commutative groupoids and commutative rings as special graphs. The final chapter contains 52 problems....

Preface 5 Chapter One INTRODUCTION TO SOME BASIC CONCEPTS 7 1.1 Properties of Rooted Trees 7 1.2 Basic Concepts 9 Chapter Two GROUPS AS GRAPHS 17 Chapter Three IDENTITY GRAPHS OF SOME ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES 89 3.1 Identity Graphs of Semigroups 89 3.2 Special Identity Graphs of Loops 129 3.3 The Identity Graph of a Finite Commutative Ring with Unit 134 Chapter Four SUGGESTED PROBLEMS 157 FURTHER READING 162 INDEX 164 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 168...

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DSm Vector Spaces of Refined Labels

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy; Florentin Smarandache

This book has six chapters. The first one is introductory in nature just giving only the needed concepts to make this book a self contained one. Chapter two introduces the notion of refined plane of labels, the three dimensional space of refined labels DSm vector spaces. Clearly any n-dimensional space of refined labels can be easily studied as a matter of routine....


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Smarandache未解决的问题 及其新进展 (Smarandache Unsolved Problems and New Progress), Volume 3

By: Liu Yanni; Li Ling

This book will mainly make part of the research results of current domestic and foreign scholars on Smarandache problems and unsolved problems into a book. Its main purpose is to introduce some of the research of Smarandache problems to readers, comprehensively and systematically, including the mean value of arithmetic functions, identities and inequalities, infinite series, the solutions of special equations, and put forward to some new interesting problems. We hope that the readers could be interested in these issues. At the same time, this book could open up the reader’s perspective, guide and inspire the readers to these fields....

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No Frills on Java - Introductory Level

By: sherif hassan sadek

By the end of this book, you will be familiar with the programming world, be able to write a Java class and instantiate (create) objects that represent these classes and put them into action. You will be able to write a professional code and to deal with code written by others. The topics are tied together, and built on each other, so, if this is your first time with Java, it is recommended to read the chapters in the same sequence they are presented in the book. We...

Is this book for me, do I need to read_the_book? 1. If these are your first steps to Java, then read_the_book = yes. 2. If you are not looking for a reference, but for a book that will help you understand the world of Object Oriented Programming beside Java, then read_the_book = yes. 3. If you want to focus on the 20% knowledge that will help you to do 80% of tasks required, then read_the_book = yes. If you are looking for a pile of real world scenarios and training, then read_the_book = yes....

Bird’s View • Software development life cycle (SDLC)……….…06 • Approaches to develop SDLC…………………………..08 • Object Oriented features………………………….…….14 • Java features………………………………………….……….16 • Requirements of a good program…………………...19 01 2 Class/Object 22 3 Mapping • map class to Java code…………………………………….35 • map class data members to Java code…………….36 • map class method members to Java code……….40 • Method signature……………………………………………48 • deprecated methods……………………………………...49 • passing Java arguments…………………………………..49 33 4 Java Tools 52 5 Problem solving 66 6 Simple-Level Logic • Type casting…………………………………………………...77 • Local variables………………………………………….…….78 • Simple operations…………………………………………..82 • Arithmetic operators……………………………….……..83 75 7 Moderate-Level Logic • Relation operators……………………………………..….091 • Equality operators………………………………….………091 • Conditional operators……………………………….…..091 • packaging……………………………………………………….097 • increment/decrement operators……………….….101 • Conditional statements • if………………………………….091 • switch…………………….……112 • ?:…………………………….…..115 • looping statements • for………………………………...117 • whil...

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Smarandache Fuzzy Algebra

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

In this book, we study the subject of Smarandache Fuzzy Algebra. Originally, the revolutionary theory of Smarandache notions was born as a paradoxist movement that challenged the status quo of existing mathematics. The genesis of Smarandache Notions, a field founded by Florentine Smarandache, is alike to that of Fuzzy Theory: both the fields imperatively questioned the dogmas of classical mathematics....

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Smarandache Near-Rings

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

Near-rings are one of the generalized structures of rings. The study and research on near-rings is very systematic and continuous. Near-ring newsletters containing complete and updated bibliography on the subject are published periodically by a team of mathematicians (Editors: Yuen Fong, Alan Oswald, Gunter Pilz and K. C. Smith) with financial assistance from the National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. These newsletters give an overall picture of the research carried out and the recent advancements and new concepts in the field. Conferences devoted solely to near-rings are held once every two years. There are about half a dozen books on near-rings apart from the conference proceedings. Above all there is a online searchable database and bibliography on near-rings. As a result the author feels it is very essential to have a book on Smarandache near-rings where the Smarandache analogues of the near-ring concepts are developed. The reader is expected to have a good background both in algebra and in near-rings; for, several results are to be proved by the reader as an exercise....

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Generalized Partitions and New Ideas on Number Theory and Smarandache Sequences

By: Amarnath Murthy and Charles Ashbacher

This book arose out of a collection of papers written by Amarnath Murthy. The papers deal with mathematical ideas derived from the work of Florentin Smarandache, a man who seems to have no end of ideas. Most of the papers were published in Smarandache Notions Journal and there was a great deal of overlap. My intent in transforming the papers into a coherent book was to remove the duplications, organize the material based on topic and clean up some of the most obvious errors. However, I made no attempt to verify every statement, so the mathematical work is almost exclusively that of Murthy....

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Geometric Theorems, Diophantine Equations, And Arithmetic Functions

By: József Sándor

This book contains short notes or articles, as well as studies on several topics of Geometry and Number theory. The material is divided into ve chapters: Geometric theorems; Diophantine equations; Arithmetic functions; Divisibility properties of numbers and functions; and Some irrationality results. Chapter 1 deals essentially with geometric inequalities for the remarkable elements of triangles or tetrahedrons. Other themes have an arithmetic character (as 9-12) on number theoretic problems in Geometry. Chapter 2 includes various diophantine equations, some of which are treatable by elementary methods; others are partial solutions of certain unsolved problems. An important method is based on the famous Euler-Bell-Kalm ar lemma, with many applications. Article 20 may be considered also as an introduction to Chapter 3 on Arithmetic functions. Here many papers study the famous Smarandache function, the source of inspiration of so many mathematicians or scientists working in other elds. The author has discovered various generalizations, extensions, or analogues functions. Other topics are connected to the composition of arithmetic funct...

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Smarandache Manifolds

By: Howard Iseri

A complete understanding of what something is must include an understanding of what it is not. In his paper, “Paradoxist Mathematics” [19], Florentin Smarandache proposed a number of ways in which we could explore “new math concepts and theories, especially if they run counter to the classical ones.” In a manner consistent with his unique point of view, he defined several types of geometry that are purposefully not Euclidean and that focus on structures that the rest of us can use to enhance our understanding of geometry in general....

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By: Florentin Smarandache

This is Smarandache's Russian translation from Romanian on Algebra.

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He Huinahelu (A Combined Arithmetic)

By: George Leonard

This volume contains basic mathematics (in Hawaiian). It teaches you the numbers in Hawaiian up to one hundred and also basio useful mathematics.

Ehia kahi iloko o ka 10? He 10 a me na kahi ehia iloko o ka 12? He 10 a me na kahi ehia iloko o ka 13? 14? 16? 19? 15? 18? 17? 11? Ehia na umi iloko o ka 20? iloko o ke 30? 40? 60? 80? 60? 70? 50? 90? 100? Ehia na umi a me na kahi iloko o ka 21? iloko o ka 23? 28? 26? 32? 35? 37? 44? 49? 41? 53? 57? 62? 65? 68? 71? 76? 99? 85? 87? 88? 92? 94? 99? He umi a me 1, heaha ia? 10 me 3? 10 me 7? 10 me 9? 2 umi? 2 umi me 1? 2 umi me 5? 2 umi me 7? 3 umi? 3 umi me 2? 3 umi me 8? 4 umi? me 6? 5 umi? 5 umi me 3? 5 umi me 5? 6 umi? 6 umi me 4? 7 umi? 8 umi? 8 umi me 6? 9 umi? 9 umi me 2? 9 umi me 9? 10 ka umi? E kakau oe ma na huahelu i ka papa i hookahi; i elua; a pela a hiki i ka umi. E kakau ma na huahelu i ka umikumamaha, umikumamaono, a hiki i ka iwakalua, a hiki i ke kanakolu, a ke kanaha, a ke kanalima, a ke kanaono, a hiki i ka haneri....

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Fourier, Mechanical Engineering, August, 2005, Pp 30-31 (A Condensation of Fourierthe Father of Modern Engineering)

By: Eugene F. Adiutori

Fourier, Mechanical Engineering, August, 2005, pp 30-31 (a condensation of ?Fourier?the Father of Modern Engineering?)

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